Rebuilding Charlotte’s Canopy

We have a goal of building Charlotte’s tree canopy to 50% coverage by 2050. In 2022, urban tree canopy assessment data showed Charlotte at 47.3% coverage–which may seem like we’re almost there. But this assessment also showed 1,000 acres of tree loss since 2018. With rapid development, pests and diseases, and extreme weather, we’re losing trees fast. If the city and other stakeholders continue with preexisting planting strategies, canopy is projected to steeply decline to 40% coverage.

So how do we resist canopy loss and continue to build coverage? Three of our staff members presented their solution approach at the Sarah Stevenson Tuesday Forum, including Community Engagement Manager Joi Mayo, Urban Forest Educator Heather Brent, and Executive Director Allison Rhodes. Watch the video below to hear their discussion:

If you’d like to view our presentation, click here. In it, we go through the whys of Charlotte’s canopy loss, our programs and initiatives we’ve created in response, and ways you can help us achieve our goal.

For more resources and info on the Sarah Stevenson Tuesday Forum, visit their website here.

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