We Want Your Tree Photos!

TreesCharlotte is seeking the perfect picture of a glorious Charlotte-area tree to use in our ongoing fundraising campaign. Do you have a favorite tree in your neighborhood? Take an amazing photograph and send it to us! We will be selecting one awe-inspiring photo to use in our fundraising / honorarium campaign. Your image and your name could appear on every decorative tree certificate, so get out there, capture the perfect shot, and send it our way!


The TreesCharlotte Foundation is designing decorative tree certificates to use for its fundraising campaign. Individuals may establish a tribute in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones by having a tree planted in one of Charlotte’s neighborhoods, parks or schools.

A personalized tree certificate will be sent to each recipient of a tree planted, acknowledging the donor’s name, the occasion, and the # of trees planted. These cards will be used for many years in TreesCharlotte’s on-going efforts to save and enhance the city’s magnificent tree canopy.

The Foundation is seeking spectacular color and/or black and white photographs of a Charlotte tree or trees to use on these certificates. The photographer’s name and the location of the tree IN CHARLOTTE will be printed on the certificate.

High resolution image (s) should be submitted to: https://dropbox.hightail.com/artattackcreative (please label submission “TreesCharlotte” in the subject line) by end of day on November 15.

Submissions are limited to 2 photographs per person. High resolution means an image size of at least 5” x 7” at 300 DPI. (A jpeg or tiff format, please). TreesCharlotte requests that all photos submitted be available for use on its web site in addition to the professionally printed certificates.

The photographer (s) will be acknowledged on both with a credit line. Selection and notification of winning photographs will take place by November 30, 2013. For more information call Marcia Simon, 704-377-8560.

Please see our story  for more information about TreesCharlotte.

TreesCharlotte is a public/private collaborative dedicated to planting 15,000 trees per year, Educating Charlotte residents about the importance of the canopy as well as ways to plant and preserve trees.

How and Why TreesCharlotte Was Founded
Whew! That’s a LOT of Trees!