“Save Your Ash” Campaign

Through a grant from the North Carolina Forest Service, the City of Charlotte is actively treating ash trees for the emerald ash borer. You might see these signs in various locations across the city next to ash trees that are being treated.

City of Charlotte Ash Tree Map

In response to the EAB threat, City arborists conducted a tree inventory project in 2017 of all known ash trees that are located in the City’s rights-of-way. Using the data, the City developed an EAB management plan focusing on proactively managing street trees to protect, preserve and restore Charlotte’s tree canopy.

This map displays all ash street trees.  Zoom in to see ash tree locations and click on a tree. From there, you can send a tree care service request, report possible EAB detection or ask for more information.

The City has placed traps throughout the Charlotte area in close proximity to ash trees in order to detect the presence of the EAB. Trap locations are displayed on the map with a blue triangle, which you can click on to see what the traps look like.

What is the emerald ash borer?

The emerald ash borer (EAB) is a metallic green beetle that bores into ash trees eating the tissues beneath the bark, eventually killing the tree. This non-native insect was first found in the United States near Detroit, Michigan in 2002.

The EAB is now found in 30 states and in 25 counties in North Carolina, including Mecklenburg County. Hundreds of millions of trees have been killed by the EAB across the country. The insect was detected in Charlotte in May of 2017. Report a possible sighting of EAB to 800-206-9333 or newpest@ncagr.gov

What types of trees do EAB attack?
All species of ash trees are susceptible.  This includes all four species native to North Carolina – white ash, green ash, Carolina ash, and pumpkin ash.

How does EAB harm the ash tree?
The larvae of the beetle bore into the bark and feed on the tissues of the tree. This prevents the movement of nutrients and water within the tree, eventually causing it to die.

What are signs of an EAB infestation?
The adult leaves a “D”-shaped exit hole in the bark about 1/8 inch in diameter when it exits the tree. The canopy of the tree begins to thin,and dieback begins at the top of the tree. Most of the canopy will be dead within two to five years of when symptoms are first observed.

What can I do to save my tree?
Insecticides are available for those wishing to protect high-value ornamental trees. Re-treatment must take place every one to two years. Contact a certified arborist for more information on treatment options. Also, consult this Emerald Ash Borer insecticide guide.

How many street trees in Charlotte are ash trees?
It is estimated that the City manages 1,300 ash trees in the public right of way.

Where is EAB already in North Carolina?
Consult this document to find out where the EAB has been spotted in North Carolina.

Where can I get more information?

How do I identify an ash tree?
Refer to this document for a handy guide to identifying ash trees that are vulnerable to the Emerald Ash Borer.

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