More New Growth in 2014

We are excited about the 2014 planting season for TreesCharlotte! We had an amazing response in 2013, with hundreds of volunteers helping us plant thousands of trees in neighborhoods all around Charlotte. In partnership with our North Carolina nurseries and tree growers, we have expanded our tree offerings for 2014 because of strong demand and our goal of diversifying Charlotte’s urban forest through our community planting events. Charlotte has an over-abundance of willow oaks and crape myrtle trees, and TreesCharlotte is dedicated to not only expanding our canopy, but also making sure our urban forest is diverse and resistant to diseases and pests.

Every TreesCharlotte planting event is unique because of the different conditions that are present. Variations in the terrain, soil, amount of sunlight, availability of water, and other similar considerations are factored into decisions about the types of trees that are planted. Plus, we try to match the trees with the desires of our NeighborWoods communities.

If you’d like to check out the types of trees we will be using for our planting events in 2014-15, please download our Tree List PDF.

And please register to help out with one of our many upcoming events!

Whew! That’s a LOT of Trees!
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