End of Season TreeAdoption

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End of Season TreeAdoption

March 22 2025, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM

TreesCharlotte is excited to provide our End of Season TreeAdoption. We invite all Charlotte residents to come out and get some trees. We’ll have a mix of species, from small flowering to canopy building to evergreen screening. There’s something for everybody.

A link to register for trees will be added here on Friday, March 14th at 10:00 am.

Here’s what you need to know: 

Registration details

  • Registration is required and opens at 10:00 am Friday, March 14th (link will be posted above on Friday, March 14th at 10:00 am) and closes when trees “sell out” or at 11:59 pm Thursday,  March 20th.  
  • Each registration requires a unique name, address, and email address. Registrants using the same contact details for multiple registrations will be canceled.
  • Each registration is limited to 2 trees. While the registration form does not limit the total number of trees, registrations requesting more than 2 trees will be canceled.
  • Registrations are limited to City of Charlotte residents only. Registered addresses outside of the City of Charlotte will be automatically canceled.
  • The list of trees below are expected from our growers. In case they are not of the quality we demand, we reserve the right to substitute with a similar species.
  • Reselling TreesCharlotte trees or using them for profit is prohibited and will result in a ban from future TreesCharlotte events and adoptions.
  • All attendees are required to go through a planting demonstration at the adoption. This is a requirement for all participants, even if you have adopted trees or planted trees with us previously.
  • Plan for at least 45 minutes to receive your trees during the adoption.
  • If you are picking up trees on behalf of a neighbor or friend, bring a copy of their registration with you to the event.


For more adoption day details, click here!


TreesCharlotte is a nonprofit organization that relies on donations to be able to host events like this. Donations are greatly appreciated and help us give more trees to Charlotte residents. Click here to donate.


Selections are final and once registered, cannot be changed.  Be sure to research which tree will work best for your yard before registering.

Drafted Species List

(This list may change after our West Zip Code Adoption on February 22nd)

Cherry, Yoshino
Crepe Myrtle, Sarah’s Favorite
Deodar Cedar, Bills Blue
Dogwood, Cherokee Princess
Fringetree, Chinese Toyko Tower
Jane Magnolia
Magnolia, Kay Parris
Moon Glow Magnolia
Oak, High Tower Willow
Oak, Sangria Nuttall
Red Maple, October Glory
Red Buckeye
Redbud, Forest Pansy
River Birch, Heritage
Witchhazel, Arnold Promise


March 22 2025
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM


701 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC, USA
701 Tuckaseegee Road
Charlotte, NC 28208 United States
+ Google Map