#015 Black Oak (Quercus velutina)

This Black Oak achieved State Champion status (largest known specimen in the state) in April of 1993. According to the original Treasure Tree notes, this Black Oak was threatened by the widening of York Road in 2001. Google Earth Pro historical aerial imagery confirms that by 2004, this Black Oak was no longer standing.

Statistics (1992)

  • Circumference (In.): 195
  • Height (Ft.): 105
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 90
  • Total Points: 323

More Information

  • Nominated By: Betty Polomba
  • Year Added: 1992
  • Owned By: Private
  • Current condition: Deceased
  • Neighborhood: Olde Whitehall
  • Property Type: Private
  • Nearest Address: Private property
  • Ecological Value: This Black Oak would have saved this homeowner over 623 kWh in energy and $400 a year. Strategically placed trees can reduce energy consumption by providing shade and reducing temperatures in the summer months.