#072 Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)

This Red Mulberry once stood at Sharon Presbyterian Church, right behind the manse. It was removed during an expansion of the Sanctuary in 1993.

Statistics (1992)

  • Circumference (In.): 162"
  • Height (Ft.): 37'
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 41'
  • Total Points: 209

More Information

  • Nominated By: Charles H. Little
  • Year Added: 1992
  • Owned By: Sharon Presbyterian Church
  • Current condition: Gone
  • Neighborhood: Beverly Woods
  • Property Type: Private Church
  • Nearest Address: 5201 Sharon Rd
  • Ecological Value: The fruit of Red Mulberry trees resembles blackberries. Songbirds, foxes, opossums, squirrels and raccoons all eat the fruits. People make pies, jellies and jams from the fruit as well.