#141 Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera)
This beautiful tree once stood in the middle of a pasture next to its sister tree, the original Treasure Tree #50. That tree was formerly a state champion until it was severely burned by fire in 2007. Both trees were saved during the original development of the Buckleigh Neighborhood, and now this tree stands next to the stump of the other in a small community park.
Statistics (2022)
- Circumference (In.): 153"
- Height (Ft.): 61'
- Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 72'
- Total Points: 232
More Information
- Nominated By: Brett Dupree and Patrick George
- Year Added: 2022
- Owned By: Buckleigh Homeowners Assn, c/o Hawthorne Management
- Current condition: Good
- Neighborhood: Buckleigh
- Property Type: Neighborhood Park
- Nearest Address: 4632 Mortonhall Rd, Charlotte, NC 28215
- Ecological Value: Female Osage Orange trees have sharp spines on their branches. Until the introduction of barbed wire, prickly Osage Orange trees were used to secure property lines, which was likely the intention at Historic Rosedale.