#118 Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)

This Coast Redwood has four main trunks, forming a cathedral-like shape. This occurs when the mother tree dies and the offspring originally surrounding the trunk mature. The manager of the property says that the heat of the southeast wears on this Redwood and it’s constantly transpiring water due to hot temperatures throughout the day.

Statistics (2000/2020)

  • Circumference (In.): 139"/286"
  • Height (Ft.): 33'/64'
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 29'/46'
  • Total Points: 179/362

More Information

  • Nominated By: Unknown
  • Year Added: 2000
  • Current condition: Good
  • Neighborhood: Lake Wylie
  • Property Type: Private Business
  • Nearest Address: Private Property
  • Ecological Value: Coast Redwoods are commonly seen in the state parks of northern California and are known for their large size, sometimes over 300 feet tall. It is rare to see a Coast Redwood in the southeast as they prefer cool, moist temperatures.
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