Planting and Placement

Tree Planting Do’s and Don’ts


Tree Selection

Even when planted correctly, selecting a tree that is unhealthy or doesn’t suit its site can mean an early death or long-term issues. You’ll want to ensure that the tree you pick is free of pests, has good structure, and looks healthy overall.  Check out our guide to learn what to look for:

Picking the Right Spot

There are many factors involved when planting a tree. It is important to select the right type of tree for the conditions, and you must consider elements such as the amount of available sunlight, proximity to water and buildings, and quality of the soil.  Learn more about where to plant here: Right Tree, Right Place.

Read about tree spacing to keep your home and utilities safe: Homeowners’ Guide to Tree Placement

If you’re interested in planting trees for screening or privacy purposes, check out our Planting Privacy Trees blog.


Planting a tree is one of the best ways we can provide a lasting gift to future generations. Growing the tree canopy is a worthy mission, and it is important to know the best practices involved so a tree planting is successful in the long-term.

Though it might just seem as simple as digging a hole and sticking a seedling into the ground, there is a lot to consider when planting a tree. Just as cars need regular service, houses need maintenance, and pets need food, shelter and exercise, trees require a thoughtful plan for planting and then ongoing care and upkeep. Otherwise, a tree may be susceptible to drought, disease, pests and other hazards.  Even more guides to newly-planted tree care here:


Congrats! You got your tree in the ground.  Now it’s time to think about watering.  During the hot months, you can give your young tree about 5 gallons of water per week.  Your tree many need more water during dry spells or less after major rain events.  Watch our watering video below for more details and check out our water-related blogs:

Long-Term Care: Mulch, Fertilizer, Pruning, and more!

The best way to ensure your tree has a long life is to keep it in good health.  You can find more information about mulching, fertilizer, pruning, pests/diseases, mature tree care, and more our Long-Term Care page.  Also, check out the extensive Tree Owner’s Manual for more tips!