
Great Achievements Require Great Leadership!

The success of NeighborWoods events is heavily dependent upon community leadership and participation. There are three key leadership roles for each NeighborWoods event: Program Manager, TreeStewards and Community Correspondents.


Leadership Opportunities

The Program Manager serves as liaison between the neighborhood, the City, TreesCharlotte and other applicable partners for current and future tree canopy initiatives. They take the lead in recruiting TreeStewards, Community Correspondent(s) and help rally support within the neighborhood. The Program Manager will work with City staff & TreesCharlotte to coordinate their NeighborWoods Tree Planting Event. They are also responsible for grant reporting requirements.

TreeStewards create a sense of ownership for the NeighborWoods program within their neighborhood. They play a vital role by providing continued maintenance of the trees following the NeighborWoods event, ensuring trees are watered on a consistent basis and receive proper ongoing care. TreesCharlotte offers additional tree care training to all TreeStewards through workshops and other materials.

Neighborwoods TreeSteward Responsibilities

Community Correspondents are responsible for publicizing the NeighborWoods program within their neighborhood, and soliciting community support and participation. These efforts may include organizing door-to-door campaigns, preparing newsletters, and producing print media to inform residents about neighborhood activities. Community Correspondents also work with the NeighborWoods Program Manager to hold community meetings and utilize social media to inform people and solicit participation in the event.

Click here to apply online
If you haven’t applied before, you must create a new account.