Support TreesCharlotte This Arbor Day, April 29

Thank you for growing Charlotte’s canopy and celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Arbor Day!

Your support will help us grow and preserve our city’s iconic canopy and keep Charlotte “The City of Trees”.

Any level of donation is greatly appreciated, but we encourage you to consider the following in celebration of trees:

  • $55 in honor of NC Arbor Day’s 55th anniversary (NC Arbor Day was established in 1967 and is the first Friday after 3/15 each year so that it falls within our planting season in NC)
  • $150 in honor of National Arbor Day’s 150th anniversary (This year, National Arbor Day is April 29th)
  • $500 covers the cost of a tree, the planting and watering of that tree for a year
  • $1,000 supports planting trees and educational programing at a local school
  • $5,000 fills the equivalent of a football field with trees. Donors gifting $5,000 or more will be recognized with a leaf in the TreesCharlotte Honorary Garden at Freedom Park

Donate today and let’s restore Charlotte’s iconic canopy!