#007 Black Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica)

This Black Tupelo once stood in what is now Eastover Park between the Mint Museum and Briar Creek. Little is known about the history of the tree.

Statistics (1994)

  • Circumference (In.): 117
  • Height (Ft.): 83
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 62
  • Total Points: 216

More Information

  • Nominated By: Joe McLaurin, Tom Martin
  • Year Added: 1994
  • Owned By: Mint Museum
  • Current condition: Gone
  • Neighborhood: Eastover
  • Property Type: Public
  • Nearest Address: 2730 Randolph Rd
  • Ecological Value: Tupelo honey is light and mild tasting, commanding a price premium over other types of honey.